Best Scary Movies

Deanna Eppers
3 min readOct 25, 2021

At least in my book, or rather, on my television…

Halloween is less than one week away, and I’ve only watched two scary films. I’m behind, I know, and you might be too; so I compiled a list of the best flicks to watch before and on Halloween. It’s best to go out and buy your trick-or-treat candy right now, so you have some sugar to help you ride the wave of psychological duress; even if it’s self-inflicted.

Photo by Miguel Teirlinck on Unsplash

Since my early days when I took The Exorcist off my mom’s bookshelf and read it when I was ten, I’ve been a sucker for horror movies. Halloween seems like the best time to watch, and it’s even better with no lights on and maybe the sound of trees scratching your window to make you feel slightly on edge. You just have to watch these.

  1. The Haunting of Hill House. The series. I’ve watched it two or three times, and it’s frightening. If you only have two hours to spare then watch…
  2. The Conjuring. Yes, this is very well done and believable.
  3. The Ring. How does she manage to look so disjointed and creepy? Don’t startle if the phone rings.
  4. The Omen. The 1970’s at it’s best, and the kid is unnerving.
  5. Halloween. I watch this every year on Halloween, usually between visits from the kids trick-or-treating. I love this night for all the free candy the kids can grab in two hours and for the frightful fun on the television. Besides, Christmas shows have already started and November feels like one big rush into Christmas, so watch scary shows now!
  6. Night of the Living Dead. I watched this once and then went for a walk with my husband in a cemetery right after. Don’t do this. Too scary.
  7. The Shining. A Christmas tradition in my family, why don’t you make it yours?
  8. Alien. The first one.
  9. Pet Cemetery. I like the first one best, but take your pick. My best friend named her child after the kid who is killed in the movie. Yeah, I know.
  10. The Fog. With Adrienne Barbeau.
  11. It. Clowns aren’t funny.
  12. The Babadook.
  13. Sleepy Hollow. The optics are beautiful and haunting. I’d love to live within the set. Watch it for scary goodness, too.
  14. The Birds. Fell in love with this when I was five.
  15. Us. Freaky. Seriously messed up.
  16. The Forest. Because the idea of having a real suicide forest is very creepy.
  17. Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I adore this one.
  18. Get Out. And you thought meeting the parents wouldn’t be too awful.
  19. Underwater. Good, clean chills.
  20. 1408. Made me want to stay on the 13th floor instead.
  21. The Sixth Sense. The best is the first time, but it’s worth a look for kicks years later.
  22. Poltergeist. How did I manage to forget this one? I watched it on HBO with my high school friends, and yeah, it’s a good one. Check out the strange things that happened to some of the cast members.

Those are my scary movie picks. I try to stay away from all demonic, since that isn’t my cup of tea. But it works every now and then. My sister laughs at all scary movies; she has an interesting default setting, so if she likes one I know it’s good. Some of her picks are included in this list.

Remember. Have your jack o-lantern all lit up, no lights on, feet off the floor so nothing grabs you, and candy and popcorn. Enjoy!!



Deanna Eppers

Musician, ex-CPA at KPMG Peat Marwick, volunteer, decorator, renovating another house, mom to three, wife to one, blogs about finding happiness