Royal Tea Wednesdays
Queen Elizabeth has left for Balmoral in Scotland for her summer holiday, and the Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William are enjoying summer break with their three children at their country estate in Norfolk. Prince Charles helped out with several curlews, which are endangered birds, at his Sandringham home away from home; so he’s not quite on a complete summer holiday yet. But this is typically a slower time for most of the royals.
They are enjoying having their children home from school. Well, I hope they’re enjoying it, since bored kids in summer can be quite a challenge. One by one the royal families will visit with the Queen at Balmoral, and it’s lovely to see the way Sophie Countess of Wessex has become so close to Her Majesty. I’m sure Sophie and Prince Edward will be there with their two beautiful children quite soon. So it’s rather quiet at the moment, though photos might emerge from Scotland this summer. I hope so, since it’s fun to see the royals when they’re hanging out and visiting.
Sarah Ferguson has been talking to the press. I don’t quite know why, except she decided now would be a good time to say she and Diana were close all along, in spite of reports that the two weren’t speaking to each other for years. Sarah can make up any version of her recollections as Diana isn’t around to correct her memory should it go astray. Sarah Ferguson, the ex-wife of the tucked away Prince Andrew, seems to want to be in the spotlight again.
Sarah explained she was not happy to be excluded from the guest list at Prince Willian’s and Catherine Middleton’s wedding and receptions, but she says she understands why. Sarah took a trip that week to Thailand. The Duchess of York also offered her “expertise” to the writers of The Crown, thought they did not take her up on the offer. Sarah might want to ensure her two daughters receive their time in the royal spotlight, since the Cambridge children tend to dominate the news (for good reason). I think Sarah misses the good old days when she and her daughters were more relevant to the Crown, and I don’t mean the show.
We know Harry is using a ghostwriter (what a great term for the couple who has ghosted more people than anyone) to write his book about his extraordinary life, and I applaud Harry’s efforts at living his life in privacy and quiet. He’s enjoying being out of the spotlight so much, that he had to cop to composing a book that will set the record straight about his path from prince to man. I don’t think the book will do much but upset people who care for the royal family, but if people don’t buy and read his book; no other books will be accepted by the publisher. It makes sense.
Harry has to deliver on this book to keep the money machine rolling, since his little wifey is spending lots of cash on clothes and Soho stays. Meghan has been staying out of the news, which is excellent really. I suppose she’s quite busy with her baby Lilibet, though many believe the child was born of another surrogate. It’s interesting to see how many stories have come out over this newest baby. The strangest one was that a girl in the States was carrying twins for Harry and Meghan, but she lost one of the babies. Since Harry and wife only wanted two kids tops, this worked out for them.
Except the story goes on to say this girl is asking for more money before she’ll hand over the baby to Meghan and Harry. I love and enjoy the different conspiracy theories that run rampant online. Since both Archie and Lilibet are now on the list of succession in the UK, it seems that both children are legitimate babies born of Meghan’s body. But so many are saying Meghan has no proof she birthed a baby. Who really knows what’s going on over there on the other coast? I figure the Queen knows what she’s doing. I hope Charles is helping her during this time of mourning for her. I hope everyone is helping the Queen with that.
As for the other royals, all has been quiet. I think many are enjoying this time to rest from being cooped up over several long lockdowns. I’d love to see a royal parade or something regal and fun, but for now we’ll just have to marvel at Lady Kitty Spencer’s wedding dress. She was married over this past weekend to a billionaire in Italy, and she looked stunning and sexy. William did not make it to the wedding of his cousin, but she looked so happy and beautiful that I think Kitty’s wedding day was all she ever wanted. Any bride who has five wedding gowns to wear on her big day must be enjoying herself! And Kitty was stunning.
Princess Anne, the hardest-working member of the royal family, toured Hartley Hospital this week, along with visiting front line workers and thanking them. She admitted that she fell off her horse in the 1976 Olympics and couldn’t recall where she was, since Anne had suffered a concussion. In classic Princess Anne style, she told no one about her concussion until recently. Any royal who competes in the Olympics is a star, and Anne and her daughter both have been to the Games to compete. Anne is an amazing royal, and I look forward to seeing more of her as time goes on.
I’ll close out this cup of tea by wishing the royals a lovely summer. I’m hoping we’ll go back to normal soon, but it doesn’t look that way in America. We will all be wearing masks in the fall. But hopefully, since Britain has a higher rate of vaccinations, we can see the faces of the royals as they interact with the general population! I miss garden parties at Buckingham Palace, Ascot and any reason for the royals to stand on the balcony and wave! Sip your fave cup of tea and savor all the fun that is to come.
Oh! Wasn’t Prince George’s 8th birthday photo beautiful?!? Catherine managed to get a great photo of her oldest, and he’s growing up so quickly. He’s looking more like his father lately, and that smile comes straight from Diana. Yes, the Middleton side is apparent too, but William’s smile is amazing; and George has it! The girls will swoon over him some day. Here’s to a sweet summer full of fun and only good news for all the royals.
Until next week, then….